Building Strategic Agility: Course Overview
Building Strategic Agility Course Structure
Your course is composed of 10 self-paced modules that will each take 30-60 minutes to complete. Begin with Module 0: Welcome & Introduction, and then complete the remaining modules in sequence.

Market System
- New Sources of Competitive Advantage
- Customer-Centric Innovation
- Digital Transformation
Organization System
- Faster, Smarter Decisions
- Harnessing Data Science for Business Impact
- The Agile Dashboard
Human System
- Â Agility Culture and Levers for Culture Change
- Agile Teams
- The Power of Purpose
At the end of the course, you will also be asked to complete a brief course evaluation.
Building Strategic Agility Module Structure
Within each module, a variety of content is provided to help you explore, practice and apply new techniques and thinking to your work.
- Module Overviews that introduce the topic
- Video lessons by renown experts and practitioners
- Exercises to practice techniques and tools from the lesson
- Application toolkits to facilitate on-the-job transformation
- Curated content to supplement your learning

🥇Badges & certificates are awarded upon completion of all elements of the learning journey.